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SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade from Automation Application Premium MSA to Enterprise Application Premium MSA  Per MonthSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade from Automation Application Premium MSA to Enterprise Application Premium MSA Per Month (BTE-UA-APP-PSPT)
Preis auf Anfrage
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 156 Stück


SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Professional - Upgrade from Starter - Printer License - Standard Maintenance and Support  Per Printer Per MonthSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Professional - Upgrade from Starter - Printer License - Standard Maintenance and Support Per Printer Per Month (BTP-US-PRT-MNT)
Preis auf Anfrage
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 128 Stück


UNITECH PA700 Emerald 1 Year Return to Base 3 Day Turnaround PE NeededUNITECH PA700 Emerald 1 Year Return to Base 3 Day Turnaround PE Needed (UNITCARE-PA700-EM1)
Preis auf Anfrage
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SATO PV3 Extension of warranty from 1 Year to 2 years. Available in the following Countries: Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and UK.SATO PV3 Extension of warranty from 1 Year to 2 years. Available in the following Countries: Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and UK. (Y59RTBPV3004)
ArtNr.: BS-Y59RTBPV3004
Preis auf Anfrage
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 113 Stück


SATO PV4 Extension of warranty from 1 Year to 2 years. Must be purchased with the printer to validate the extensionSATO PV4 Extension of warranty from 1 Year to 2 years. Must be purchased with the printer to validate the extension (Y59RTBPV4004)
ArtNr.: BS-Y59RTBPV4004
Preis auf Anfrage
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 138 Stück


ZEBRA ZS300 SelfView Subscription, 1-year, non-renewingZEBRA ZS300 SelfView Subscription, 1-year, non-renewing (ZS300-SELF-API-1N)
ArtNr.: BS-ZS300-SELF-API-1N
Preis auf Anfrage
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SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade from Automation Printer Premium MSA to Enterprise Printer Premium MSA  Per Printer Per MonthSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade from Automation Printer Premium MSA to Enterprise Printer Premium MSA Per Printer Per Month (BTE-UA-PRT-PSPT)
0,80 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 125 Stück

RAPTOOL Other services or licensesRAPTOOL Other services or licenses (OTHE01)
ArtNr.: BS-OTHE01
0,80 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 112 Stück

ZEBRA Standard M S - Quote needed from ZebraZEBRA Standard M S - Quote needed from Zebra (SMS-100-00)
ArtNr.: BS-SMS-100-00
1,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 111 Stück

SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade Printer Monthly Subscription from Automation  Includes Premium MSA   Align to Application SubscriptionSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Enterprise - Upgrade Printer Monthly Subscription from Automation Includes Premium MSA Align to Application Subscription (BTE-UA-PRT-SUB-PSPT)
1,30 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 175 Stück

DATALOGIC ADC QD24XX Ease of Care 5 Days 3 YearsDATALOGIC ADC QD24XX Ease of Care 5 Days 3 Years (ZSN5QD2431)
ArtNr.: BS-ZSN5QD2431
1,78 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
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SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Automation - Upgrade from Starter - Printer License - Standard Maintenance and Support  Per Printer Per MonthSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Automation - Upgrade from Starter - Printer License - Standard Maintenance and Support Per Printer Per Month (BTA-US-PRT-MNT)
2,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 130 Stück

WAVELINK Smart Device Remote Control Add On Annual Maintenance, powered by WavelinkWAVELINK Smart Device Remote Control Add On Annual Maintenance, powered by Wavelink (310-MA-SMRCADD)
2,70 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 111 Stück

HONEYWELL AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Scanner, 1 YearHONEYWELL AddOn, Edge Service, Accessory Service , Scanner, 1 Year (SVCACC-SCN1)
2,90 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 181 Stück

UNITECH EA520 Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year, Applied for each year of the main contractUNITECH EA520 Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year, Applied for each year of the main contract (UC-EA520-Visi)
ArtNr.: BS-UC-EA520-VISI
3,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 150 Stück

UNITECH EA630 Plus Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year - Needs to be applied for each year of the main contractUNITECH EA630 Plus Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year - Needs to be applied for each year of the main contract (UC-EA630PLUS-VISI)
3,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 154 Stück

UNITECH TB85 Plus Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year - Needs to be applied for each year of the main contractUNITECH TB85 Plus Unitech Orchestra Visibility per year - Needs to be applied for each year of the main contract (UC-TB85PLUS-VISI)
3,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 108 Stück

DATALOGIC ADC QD2131 Ease of Care 5 Days 3 YearsDATALOGIC ADC QD2131 Ease of Care 5 Days 3 Years (ZSN5QD213131)
ArtNr.: BS-ZSN5QD213131
3,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 127 Stück

DATALOGIC ADC TD1100 Ease of Care 5 Days 5 YearsDATALOGIC ADC TD1100 Ease of Care 5 Days 5 Years (ZSN5TD11X51)
ArtNr.: BS-ZSN5TD11X51
3,10 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 111 Stück

SEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Professional - Upgrade from Starter - Application License - Standard Maintenance and Support  Per MonthSEAGULL SCIENTIFIC BarTender Professional - Upgrade from Starter - Application License - Standard Maintenance and Support Per Month (BTP-US-APP-MNT)
3,30 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Lager voll
sofort ab Lager verfügbar: 128 Stück

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