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GTS POWER The HON5003-Li is a direct replacement for the battery for the O_Neil MicroFlash 4T / 4Te / 4TCR / LP3 / OC2 portable printers. 2450 mAh, Li-Ion, 7.2 voltage, 12 Month Warranty. OEM P/N: 550030, 550039-000. xDevice requires 2 batteriesx (HON5003-Li)

GTS POWER The HON5003-Li is a direct replacement for the battery for the O_Neil MicroFlash 4T / 4Te / 4TCR / LP3 / OC2 portable printers. 2450 mAh, Li-Ion, 7.2 voltage, 12 Month Warranty. OEM P/N: 550030, 550039-000. xDevice requires 2 batteriesx
Art.Nr.: BS-HON5003-LI

Hersteller-Nr.: HON5003-Li

40,90 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
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The HON5003-Li is a direct replacement for the battery for the O_Neil MicroFlash 4T / 4Te / 4TCR / LP3 / OC2 portable printers. 2450 mAh, Li-Ion, 7.2 voltage, 12 Month Warranty. OEM P/N: 550030, 550039-000. xDevice requires 2 batteriesx
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