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HID FARGO GAUZE CLEANING PADS 10/PACK Gauze cleaning pads can be used to clean the printhead in your printer or clean the body of your printer from dirt, dust, fingerprints and debris. (076843)

HID FARGO GAUZE CLEANING PADS 10/PACK  Gauze cleaning pads can be used to clean the printhead in your printer or clean the body of your printer from dirt, dust, fingerprints and debris.
Art.Nr.: BS-076843

Hersteller-Nr.: 076843

15,90 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
Artikel kann günstig bestellt werden
GAUZE CLEANING PADS 10/PACK Gauze cleaning pads can be used to clean the printhead in your printer or clean the body of your printer from dirt, dust, fingerprints and debris.
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