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DATALOGIC ADC MOBICONTROL Æ PERPETUAL LICENSE premise . One time charge does not include support. Min qty for New Instances is 10 licenses. Min qty for add on to an existing instance is 5 licenses. Only available from Datalogic/SOTI authorized distribut (94ACC0179)

DATALOGIC ADC MOBICONTROL Æ PERPETUAL LICENSE  premise . One time charge does not include support. Min qty for New Instances is 10 licenses. Min qty for add on to an existing instance is 5 licenses. Only  available from Datalogic/SOTI authorized distribut
Art.Nr.: BS-94ACC0179

Hersteller-Nr.: 94ACC0179


68,00 EUR ( zzgl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten )
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MOBICONTROL Æ PERPETUAL LICENSE premise . One time charge does not include support. Min qty for New Instances is 10 licenses. Min qty for add on to an existing instance is 5 licenses. Only available from Datalogic/SOTI authorized distributors only
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